Thursday, July 31, 2008

Your #1 Web Gem for 7-30-08

What an awesome catch. Good job, Frenchy!

Martin's secret handshakes

They're so fun to watch!

This is what happens when you're a bench player, I guess -- you have to amuse yourself somehow!

Also, a few people have lamented not seeing Mac lately -- he was in the dugout last night, looking as baby-faced as ever:

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Krotchman's first Braves Live interview

Don't worry, you'll get used to Our Katy Temple soon enough... :)

Thanks, Jenna!

Ohman: "Still Here"

By David O'Brien
July 30, 2008 6:11 PM | Link to this

In the clubhouse, Ohman had on Pepperdine football t-shirt with “Still Undefeated” on the back. But he put a piece of white athletic tape over the word undefeated and wrote in black marker, “here.”

As in, “Still Here.”

Oh, well, it was funny if you were there.

If you've paid any attention at all to the trade talks, rumor has it our favorite Funny Man in the bullpen will be out soon. I really hope he's not dealt, for selfish reasons -- guys with a sense of humor are higher on my list than "hot" guys.

Just saw Krotchman on Braves Live -- he's wearing #22. It'll take a while for me not to think of little Marcus Giles when I see that number. :)

ETA: Krotchman has a nice smile! My roommate will like him. (His teeth are the main reason she doesn't love Pete Moylan, who was in the dugout last night and looking cute sans specs.

Frenchy on Jim Rome is Burning

At 4:30ET -- that's now! Turn your TV to ESPN... I'll try to have a video up, if ESPN will stop freaking out on my cable. :)

Thanks, ESPN2, for rerunning this! Regular ESPN is having major digital blips on Comcast in Atlanta.

If Frenchy's occasional language [beeps] surprise haven't been around athletes, have you? ;) He's no Mad Dog, though!

Wren, Teix; Going to see Dr. Andrews

Braves GM Frank Wren was on the broadcast last night, discussing the Teixeira trade and the future of the club. Thanks for the vid, Jenna!

Thanks for the link to this vid, Jessica:

Tex headed to Cali
Tex headed to Cali

And here some interesting tidbits from

By David O'Brien
July 29, 2008 8:52 PM | Link to this

Here’s some Kotchman quotes:

“I’m excited to go to Atlanta and play for Bobby Cox,” said Kotchman, a left-hander who was raised in St. Petersburg, Fla, the son of former minor leaguer player and manager Tom Kotchman.

“The Braves are an East Coast, Southern team. Bobby Cox has been there forever. Seeing how he handles players, pulls for them, I’ve got to believe it’s a blessing for me to start a new chapter in Atlanta.”


By David O'Brien
July 29, 2008 9:29 PM | Link to this

This is classic: Hudson and Smoltz are going to travel together tomorrow to Birmingham to see Andrews, Smoltz for a scheduled checkup, Hudson to have his worrisome MRI results examined.

When asked if Smoltz was going to fly them up on the jet he charters, Hudson quipped: “If Smoltz wants to fly us, I’ll fly. With our luck, we’d probably go down [crash] somewhere. I’ll make sure I have my parachute.”

So Smoltz just charters the jet, doesn't own it! Hmm! *nose in air* (hee)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bye, Teix. *sob*

Mark Teixeira is now an Angel. Well, he always was, but now that's going to be emblazoned on his chest. ESPN is reporting he's been traded to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim for first baseman Casey Kotchman and a minor-league pitcher, Stephen Marek.

I'm going to have a hard time not calling him "Krotchman", y'all, and I haven't even looked at that area yet. ;) Meet your new first baseman, Lovvies:

PS -- Doc says I have bronchitis. It hurts to breathe, and that has nothing to do with this trade. This is a bad day.

Clint on Braves Live

I like this kid.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Bad news on Huddy

Well, it's not his oblique this time, but I thought the money shot might soften the blow. According to Boog on tonight's game's broadcast, Huddy will see Dr. Andrews in Birmingham (yes, THAT Dr. Andrews) tomorrow. His MRI showed "not good news" -- reaggravation of an old injury as well as new damage to the ligament.

Prayers on their way up, Huddy...

Welcome back, Clint!

"Thank you! Thank you all. Yes, I am here to save this club from a sub-.500 season, because I am awesome and cuter than Corky! ...Whoa, hey, back it up -- see with your eyes, not with your hands. I'm married."

Today's roster moves: Chipper and Huddy to the DL, Bennett back from the DL, Charlie and Clint officially brought up. Thanks to Jennise for being the first to notify me of the tragedy that is HUDDY ON THE DL. *sniff*

Photo: DashTapper at Flickr

Welcome back, Charlie!

I knew they wouldn't keep my boy in the minors long! How much do you want to bet he didn't even go to Richmond? Anyway, he'll be starting tonight against the Cardinals, backed by a lineup without Chipper, Baby, or, sadly, MattE Diaz. is reporting:

Outfielder Matt Diaz, who has been out since straining the posterior cruciate ligament in his left knee on May 27, had a setback during his Minor League rehab assignment with Triple-A Richmond last week. While no structural damage was found in Diaz's knee, he may need to rest for at least another week.

I feel like I've said this 1000 times this season, but get well soon, boys. I mean it as much now as I did in April. <3

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Baby: Concussed

Bad game. Very bad game.

Aww, Frenchy ran all the way in to check on him. Here's the official video, and the post-game interview is below:

I hope he'll be okay! As you heard, x-rays are negative (that = good) and he may be out for the Cards series. Get well soon, sweetie!

"Frenchy...he's a dirtbag..."

I'm sure Chipper's just joking with that quote, but it got your attention, didn't it? Like Teix and Frenchy before him, Chipper stars in "Step Up to the Plate"...

So that's one person voting for and one person voting against Baby being a good catch. I hope the rest of the team weighs in on this. :D

PS -- Whatever happened to the Friday Footrace?

Will Ohman + Harry Caray = AWESOME

For those of you who missed it yesterday...

He's a free agent at the end of this season, folks -- let's enjoy this while we can. :)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Already missing Charlie...

There's a 7+ minute video interview with Charlie on the front page of the Richmond Braves website, and he's SO DANG CUTE. I can't wait till he gets called back up.

Getting to know Brian McCann

Thanks Jenna! You rock.

As for that video...that police officer looks pretty p0rny, no? Heh.

Charlie back to AAA; Ohman's funny

Who's being send down to make room for Hampton?

By Carroll Rogers
July 26, 2008 2:58 PM | Link to this

It’s Charlie Morton. He’s going down to Richmond. the move won’t be official until game time but that’s what it’ll be if hampton gets out to the mound. The reasoning Bobby gave is that Jo-Jo is backing up Hampton today on regular rest. For Morton to do it, he would be on three days’ rest. Simple as that.

I asked if it was anything more than that, Jo-Jo’s having a little more big league experience, what have you, cox said “I like them both.” I asked if he’d liked what he’d seen out of Morton, he said “Yeah. A lot. Like to keep him. He’ll be back.”

BE SURE to check out Will Ohman doing the lineups on FOX today. he’ll be doing it in the voice of Harry Caray. I heard him do a snippet or two and it was damn good. fire back what you think. i bet will’s curious...
This is not cool, man. Charlie's better than Jo-Jo, and I don't trust Hampton as far as I can throw him. Maybe he'll prove me wrong...we'll see. And Will doing the lineup as Harry Caray! WOO!

BTW, does Will Ohman remind anyone else of Chandler Bing, personality-wise? Anyone? Just me? Okay, then.

In other news...this Friday: Braves Power Lunch! More info here; attendees on the schedule are Chipper, Baby, Buddy, and KNUCKSIE. Sounds like a good one, gang! If you make it, let me know, OK?

Fun with Google! This week's good searches...
  • chipper jones shirtless
    • Ew, no. I don't have any pictures of that, and don't WANT them. Please don't email any to me.

  • is gregor blanco married
    • Greg White is NOT married! Y'all jump on that -- he's cute.

  • is tim hudson going bald
    • That ship has sailed, I think.

  • lillibridge brent, butt
    • Wow.

  • "nick green free"

Friday, July 25, 2008

I totally called Baby's GRAND SLAM!

9:30 PM me: way to run, Greg White!
I love hustle
Jennifer: I like Greg White
9:33 PM me: he's a doll
bases loaded!
no outs!
Jennifer: wooot!
9:35 PM me: Beardy can go ahead and knock a GS now
9:36 PM wouldn't that just kill the Phils?
if he does, he's gonna get booed here like Larry does at Shea
Jennifer: except that Larry is moderately loathesome and look at how adorable Baby is. :*
9:37 PM me: they're making fun of me for loving him on CN
I love JJ
always smiling
Jennifer: he's cute
well, lookee there!
Jennifer: you totally called it
Jennifer: studmuffin
let the pawing begin!
me: <3
ha ha
9:39 PM Jennifer: they're making fun of you for loving Baby?
me: always :)
Look at his hair!!
9:40 PM Jennifer: oh, I totally see scalp there
me: I yelled when he hit it, and my roommate just now came out here to see what I was yelling about.
9:41 PM Jennifer: heh

Congrats, Baby! :D

Photos: AP

Gregor's post-game interview and more!

From after Wednesday's 9-4 victory over the Marlins...

Braves beat up Marlins
Braves beat up Marlins


And, everything else I haven't posted in the last (busy) couple of days...

From Wednesday's Braves Live -- you may have noticed that Smoltzie called KJ "The Turtle" when reading the lineup before the game. Jerome filled us in later...

...And to explain the whole Kelly Johnson "The Turtle" thing, I asked Kelly and he says he's a quiet guy, he's a little shy, he basically just keeps to himself when everybody else is out giving each other grief and then once in a while he'll poke his head into the crowd and throw a jab in there and then he'll pull his head back in and look around and see if it was funny or not. So I asked him if he wanted to be the "snapping turtle" and he said no, he's content to just be The Turtle.

There are rumblings that Frenchy's up on the trading block, along with Teix, Kots, and Will Ohman. From
Francoeur is available. After his early success that included a spot on Team USA in the World Baseball Classic two years ago and a Gold Glove last season, the right fielder's production has tailed off the last couple of years.

This season Francoeur is batting .231 with a .286 on-base percentage, nine homers and 44 RBIs through games of Tuesday, July 22. His defense is not what it was, and the 24-year-old has put on at least 10 pounds.

Francoeur's on-base percentage trails all but three Major League outfielders with at least 300 at-bats, surpassing only Oakland's Emil Brown (.287), Minnesota's Carlos Gomez (.282) and Houston's Michael Bourn (.282).

Kansas City is thought to be one of the clubs with interest in Francoeur. GM Dayton Moore, formerly with Atlanta, is well acquainted with Francouer's talents.

Which bobblehead is this? Is that supposed to be... I can't figure it out. It's like Teix and Dale Murphy had a baby and it came out a bobblehead.

Former Brave Pete Orr!™ isn't going to the Olympics.

Former Brave Jarrod Saltalamacchia buzzed his head! I do not like it. (Thanks for the pic, Jo.)

Audio interview with Chipper on 680 The Fan (from the All-Star Break). Check out the discussions on the private jets!

If you live in the Atlanta area and subscribe to Comcast cable, there's a totally awesome (free) video on OnDemand with Will Ohman and MattE Diaz working at the Georgia Aquarium. To find it, go to OnDemand, then "Get Local", then "What's Hot", then "All in a Day's Work". Will is a Dive Master and MattE feeds the whale sharks! Check it out!

Finally, I saw this at ALDI and it made me laugh:

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dugout dancing never gets old

Ah, Baby. Way to keep things loose in there.

The little head-bopping wins clip-of-the week. :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Good times with WGST

I occasionally check the local sports talk radio stations for interviews with our guys, and stumbled today on some pictures from The photo galleries don't have individual links, but you can easily search if you want to see the whole albums. Most of the pics kinda suck, but I pulled out some good ones to share...

From the June 2008 Power Lunch --

From the May 2008 Power Lunch --

Jo noticed that they seem to be taking McFrenchy's cue and sharing shirts -- Blaine at the Power Lunch, and Smoltzie at Glav's philanthropy thing. The lighting is different, but I think she's right -- these are nearly identical shirts. (click to enlarge)

"Braves Insider Photo's [sic]" --

Finally, from the September 2007 Power Lunch, Pete Orr!™ What a doll. :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Passion Players

Matt over at brought this article to my's from July's Atlanta Magazine, and features some deliciously gritty pictures of some of our favorite Braves. There's an online interview exclusive with John Smoltz, too. The pictures, though...yummers...

Sorry about the rip on KJ -- the magazine pages were really thin, and I had to remove them from the 'zine to scan.

The hand isn't credited in the photos, but I have it on good authority that it's Smoltzie's hand...and that he's not a freckly guy. (I don't have any problems with freckles -- I was just surprised to see them there and thought it might be Huddy's hand.)

Game Day Pictures: Braves vs Nats 7-20-08

Well, this wasn't a game I personally attended, but I do have some amazing pictures to share, courtesy LizzieBeth and Jug. The first six are from LizzieBeth, and the last shot is Jug's. Enjoy!

Kots really likes to grab Charlie's face, doesn't he? Not that I wouldn't want to, but y'know, it's not nice to get handsy with people you don't know. ;)

And your McFrenchy moment of the mid-year:

Finally, the best solo picture I've seen in a very long time, courtesy Jug at Talking Chop...

I really want to make a Lumberjacks comment about this one, but all I can think about is a little boy learning to potty. That's sad.

Thanks for sharing, guys!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Another Shirt

This one's from the All-Star press conference. I don't understand this shirt either, but the gum-chewing is kind of endearing. He really doesn't care. :)

Thanks to CABravesFan, who posted this in the comments of an earlier post.

I would have mocked The Shirt too!

Dang, Baby.

...Did his wife pick this out? Maybe it's cool and fashion-forward and I simply don't "get" it. His complexion is too pink (not tan) to wear gray, and the diagonal stripes are just odd. (I do like Ashley's top, though.)

In contrast, Larry looks good in this shot by the same photographer at the All-Star parade:

Thanks to SlappyWhite for the tip on the pics!

Article Catchup

Taking an All-Star break along with the players leaves a lot of fun stuff to read after the break is over. :) Here are some articles that you may be interested in...

Braves' McCann cleans up at plate, not locker

Before Tuesday night's All-Star Game at Yankee Stadium, an attendant reached into the messiest locker stall in the National League clubhouse, picked a jersey out of a pile of clothes, cleats and catcher's gear on the floor, and hung it neatly from a hanger.

It was Brian McCann's jersey.
Braves teammates call him "Heap" for a reason — it's where McCann's stuff is often found, in heaps.

But his disheveled appearance and easygoing demeanor belie a driven, fiercely competitive player who happens to be one of most polished 24-year-old hitters you could ever want on your team.
(Well, that's not the only reason they call him "Heap". Heh.)

Young arms throw Braves staff lifesaver
"I had Kotsay come up to me [the next day] and grab my face and say, 'If I ever hear you doubt yourself ever again, you're going to have a problem,' " [Charlie] Morton said. "Guys have been like that. Everybody I've talked to has been supportive. That's sometimes what you need as a new player and a young pitcher."

AJC Photo Gallery: What's your favorite Braves jersey?

Francoeur working way back
"Shave!" the bearded McCann yelled during batting practice Friday. "Be original."

Of course, who can blame Francoeur for trying for a look that has worked for his long-time friend?

"He's copying me," McCann joked later. "I don't like it. Tell him to get his own identity."

Smoltz tests his TV savvy on SportSouth shows
He will work for the network on pregame and postgame shows for Wednesday and Sunday home games when possible. He's not doing postgame Sunday because he's re-joining the Braves for the upcoming road trip.

And here are some fun Google searches that led people to Braves Love in the last couple of weeks...
  • who is gregor blanco's wife
    • Gregor is single, ladies. :)

  • what did brian mccann shirt at the all star parade say
    • I would really like to know!

  • how long did brian mccann date ashley
    • According to the stories, they first got together in 10th grade.

  • is matt diaz married?
    • He is, and she's a cutie! He's another one I need a single clone of, like Teix. ;)

  • brian mccann shirtless
    brian mccann shirtless photos
  • will ohman is awesome

  • mark teixeira eating a gatorade bar

  • buck commander chipper jones
    • You know, every time I say this aloud, it always comes out "Butt Commander".

  • brent lillibridge cute
    • To each her own. Have at him.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Game Day Pictures: Braves vs Nats 7-18-08


A few Braves Love friends came along to this game (Jo and LizzieBeth), along with 5 more buddies. We were in section 412, which offered a great view into the dugout and, importantly, was in the shade. :)

Jo and I got there super-early for BP, and settled in just to the left field side of the center field blackout / grass farm. A guy was standing up with his kids right in front of us, so we didn't get a *ton* of pictures, but...BP's the same, usually. Not much fun stuff happened (that's fit to print), except as noted below... (click the links for pics, as usual)

  • Baby seems to be losing weight, and he has a very small hand. Are they both that small? Have I just not paid a lot of attention to that before? He mostly just talked to Kots and MattE, who stayed in left and fielded everything that was hit to his general area. He did stand by himself for a little bit, biting his nails. pic 1 ~ pic 2 ~ pic 3

  • Kots has a lot of gloves.

  • Frenchy, with all his fans cheering him on. (Kidding, Frenchy! xoxo)

  • Glav and Charlie played toss.

  • Yunie testing his shoulder at his regular shortstop position.

  • The pitchers usually hang out together -- here's Jair and Gonzo.

  • And speaking of pitchers, Royce Ring is awesome. He always plays center field hard during batting practice, and on Friday night, he lost his glove over the wall while trying to leap for a ball that landed over the CF wall, in the grass patch. Not a problem; he just jumped the wall and went to get his glove! While back there, he tossed all the balls in that area to the kids around, then scaled the wall back onto the field. Jeff Bennett was very amused.

  • The clouds were quite pretty, and the guys were quite intrigued by this banner airplane.

  • Gonzo is working on his "smell-the-fart" acting.

  • When the Nats came out to start their workouts, Odalis Perez (former Braves pitcher) walked slowly around the warning track, registering what felt like every fan face in his mind. Was he looking for someone?
Before heading to our seats, we checked out the player parking lot. Thanks to some eagle-eyed fans' observations, we were able to identify the owners of a giant purple truck, a white Pacifica, and a few of the other trucks and Beemers. Didn't see any of Baby's known vehicles, so we just assumed Baby and Frenchy carpooled. :)

Gametime! I took an extraordinary number of pictures of former Brave Ryan Langerhans for my friend Suzanne. Langy's still a lovvie, but he really doesn't photograph well. He's like a cross between Christian Bale and an angry robot. :D Photo proof! pic 1 ~ pic 2 ~ pic 3 He warmed up with Pete Orr!™ before the game, greeted a grounds crew guy, and he and Pete Orr!™ behaved nicely during the national anthem. Awww, I miss you guys. Oh! One more former Brave -- Willie Harris -- was greeted by KJ. I know a lot of girls who are jealous of Willie in that pic. ;)

Other notes from the game...
  • The beard. I still don't like it.

  • Some good fans...
    • "Ms. Teixeira" -- his sister? ;)
    • Toddler boy in a #8 Lopez tee -- he was cute.
    • This girl knew all the guys' first names during BP, then happened to be sitting in our section. Her Braves knowledge was a lot like mine when I was her age; I was proud of her.

  • Someone must have realized their error -- they blacked out the price of the Fritos!

  • Glav's sitting on the right end of the bench here, with his leg propped up. I don't know what to think about that picture.

  • Jo pointed out how the tomahawk is cut out of the regular grass...isn't this odd?

We had a wonderful time, and really enjoyed the fireworks show. Well, that's what we're supposed to say! In actuality, the wind was blowing in and we were getting rained on by Braves Firework Shrapnel. Not fun. A few families enjoyed the fireworks from the field, but we can't figure out who the girl in green is -- she came out to greet one of the blankets of people.

Oh, and thanks to Jenny for pointing me to this part of the broadcast...

He's desperate for your attention, Baby! Do...something! :D

The triple, except not

"See how awesome I am? I don't even have to make an effort to smack a triple, even if they DID say it was a double and an advance-on-throw. I'm not mad, though. Just blissed out, just like Utley when he gets awesome, awesome hits like this. Did I mention I'm awesome?"

Also, he looks a little like Stewie on Family Guy here, no?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

2008 All-Star Roundup

Yeah, that's how we all feel. I was a little upset at Clint Hurdle for not putting Mac in earlier in the game -- his bat would have kept this game from going 15 innings, and he calls a great game -- but apparently Baby knew the whole time that he may not get to play...

"Before we went out I was talking to Russell and he said he was going in after [starting catcher Geovany] Soto."

That left the Braves' McCann as the third catcher, and he realized he might not get into the game.

"It was one of those things where you can't burn all your catchers," McCann said. "I knew I was going to sit there until Russell couldn't go anymore or we needed a pinch-hitter."

Chipper was also excited to be there, according to all the media. There are tons of articles out there about his dad, how special this particular all-star game was, etc. I'll just leave you with this picture:

He did get the first hit of the game, a solid single. Way to go, Chipper! Hope you and Larry Sr. had a nice time in NY. (Also, I don't remember ever seeing his wife Sharon before, but she was in the parade truck -- she reminds me a tiny bit of Lucy Davis, aka Dawn on the UK version of "The Office", only super-thin, as most MLB wives are wont to be. She's cuter than I expected.) :)

Video: The final play of the game. Baby attempts to tag out Justin Morneau but is a hair too late, and the AL wins (again) and gets home field advantage for the World Series (stupid).

Former Brave JD Drew is the All-Star MVP. Way to go, JD!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our Braves at the HR Derby

There were more than a few pics of Chipper, but none of Baby. Well, there was this one...sort of...

That's his hair and his ear to Chipper's right, I'm assuming. The gray unis are boring, no? They're not as bad as yellow or orange, so that's good, and I'm sure Brian's not complaining. Three All-Star appearances in three years? That's just amazing.

Here's another pic from yesterday, with some superstar hugging:

They're just feeling each other's awesomeness. Good times.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Live Blogging the '08 Home Run Derby!

You can watch live on ESPN at 8pm ET or online at! I'll be updating this post regularly throughout the night, so please hit refresh from 8-11pm tonight! If you have a question you'd like answered during the show, feel free to use the meebo IM box to the right, and I'll post the answers to your questions. (Make sure you include your name!)

7:39pm --
Standing in Yankee Stadium is apparently "the coolest thing in the whole world". (As a Braves fan, I beg to differ, but to each his/her own.)

7:51pm --
Me: Laverne looks so old! Quick, what time is it?
Roomie: I don't know; look at one of your eight clocks.
(I only have six visible clocks from this seat in the living room -- shut it, I like clocks.)

7:56pm --
Roomie: Why do they call [Lance Berkman] "Big Puma"? Is it because he's got such a big belly?
Me: I have a know the term "cougar"? I'm imagining "Puma" to be the male version of that.

8:00pm --
Jo: Peter Gammons likes Three Doors Down?!!!? Ha I ::heart:: him.

8:08pm --
I still don't know who Justin Morneau is.

8:09pm --
Jo: You know what's great about ESPN doing this? No Chip Caray.
Me: YES.

8:12pm --
Chase Utley is a doll. I wish he wasn't a Phillie, so I could love him more.

8:14pm --
Reggie Jackson throws out the first pitch to Derek Jeter. Of course it's Jeter. *rolls eyes*

8:15pm --
Erin Andrews' blouse is fit for a Disney Princess.

8:19pm --
I'm still not tired of "the most interesting man in the world". Love those Dos Equis commercials.

The State Farm Home Run Derby is sponsored by State Farm. Would you ever have guessed that?? Shocker!

8:23pm --
I'm already done with the BACKBACKBACKBACKs.

8:26pm --
HAHAHAHA, poor kid, biffing it in the grass.

8:32pm --
Grady Sizemore has a very cute face.

8:43pm --
"That one's WAY Back!" ESPN, where else would it be? Way FRONT? Please retire the word "back".

8:47pm --
I'm really surprised Utley's here. He's not a big power guy. (Still love him, though.)

ae1125 said: "
chris berman is the most annoying person alive!!" Dude, I KNOW.

8:57pm --
My friend Shaun loves you, Lance Berkman --just so you know.

8:59pm --
Jo: Why they heck is Berman announcing in a really weird whisper?
Jo: I'd like to smack him
Me: Why the heck is he announcing period?
Jo: Touche
Me: It should be Boog.
Me: I love Boog. Maybe one day.
Jo: One day
Jo: He has one foot in the door, already works for ESPN
Jo: Just has to be 60
Me: HA

9:10pm --
[yelling from the kitchen] Why are they still playing Ciara's "Goodies"?

9:20pm --
Jessica: are chipper or mac hanging around watching? I haven't seen them...
Me: I've been watching for them -- haven't seen them. :(

9:24pm --
That Gillette commercial, with Jeter and Tiger and that weird-looking tennis guy? They totally shot that on different days and computerized everyone together. Not cool.

9:28pm --
Josh Hamilton hit a 502ft. home run. Amazing.

9:31pm --
I want to know what was in the briefcase!

9:33pm --
That outfield umpire is really, really young. And kinda cute.

Bubba! Braves trainer Jeff Porter was just in the background! He was selected to be on the All-Star staff, too

9:34pm --
Manny's kid is SO CUTE. Cuter than his dad!

ETA: SCJ pointed out that this is Hanley's kid, not Manny's. Sorry!

9:39pm --
HA, fans running into the black to catch one of Josh Hamilton's home runs (#17, I think), and the security chased them down. Security had one in a choke hold!

9:41pm --
Baby Ramirez pushing another kid out of the camera -- loves the spotlight, just like his papa. :D

23 home runs for Josh now...

9:45pm --
Big Papi's face is extraordinarily well-groomed. White guys, are you paying attention? A well-groomed face is very attractive.

9:50pm --
Single round home run record -- 28! A high school coach / Josh's BP pitcher, Claybon Counsil, is awesome.

Roomie: I want to marry that old man! Look how cute he is!

9:58pm --
Me: Who is that catcher? He has a good cup.
Roomie: Excuse me?
Me: Cup. Catcher. Good.
Roomie: Why don't you put THAT on your blog!
Me: Maybe I WILL.

slappywhite: "
Where or where are Mac and Chipper???" Still haven't seen either. :/

10:11pm --
I kinda miss the Dane Cook "Actober" commercials.

10:14pm --
"It's a bad night to be an atheist." Heh. I wish I knew who said that -- one of the ESPN guys...

ETA: Tom in Iowa says it was Rick Reilly. Thanks!

10:23pm --
Joe Mauer is one of the most handsome men in MLB.

Roomie is dancing on the other couch, making fun of Josh's "my bad" hands he just showed to the photographers. Heh.

10:25pm --
I'm sleepy. Is this thing over yet?

10:43pm --
Queso queso!

10:49pm --
They're playing the Rocky music. Good choice.

In case you're curious, yes, Chase Utley did curse at the Yankees fans.

10:51pm --
Justin Morneau wins! Great show by Josh, but Justin wins! (Still don't know who he is...) :D

Thanks for joining, all those who emailed, commented, and IMed. Have a good night, all!

"No no no no. That's not allowed."

(AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi)

Baby got hit by a pitch in the 6th yesterday afternoon, and I, for one, was worried. Luckily he's fine, but Joe Simpson's worried, repeated "No"s, then "That's not allowed." ...well... that's exactly what I would have said had I seen it live.

Hope you're wrist is OK, Baby!

"What the heck, Huddy?"

Huddy never ceases to amuse me. There's a cute article on about his relief appearance in yesterday's game...

If Tim Hudson looked awkward as he entered Sunday afternoon's game against the Padres at PETCO Park, it was because he felt that way.
"I didn't know what to do," Hudson said. "I was like, 'Do I run? Or do I jog? Or do I walk?' So I kind of did all three."
Hudson can definitely say he was treated much better entering this relief appearance than he had been during his only other similar experience. That experience came when he was summoned from the bullpen in the fifth inning of Game 5 of the 2001 Division Series at Yankee Stadium.

As he prepared to relieve Mark Mulder, Hudson didn't know how to slyly make his way to the mound. So he simply walked and when he did, the Yankee Stadium crowd showered him with boos.

"It took me like five minutes to get to the mound," Hudson said. "I had no idea why they were booing me so loud. Then when I got to the mound, [then-A's manager Ken] Macha was like, 'What the heck, Huddy?'"
Just take your time, man. No rush. :D

A sweet deal from Hyatt, STATS, and the Braves

I don't "advertise" here at Braves Love, but was sent this press release and thought the concept was very, very cool, so I thought I'd share...

Hyatt Regency Atlanta and STATS Partner Together to Offer All-Inclusive Baseball Package

Atlanta, GA (June 25th, 2008) – Hyatt Regency Atlanta and STATS have partnered together to offer the STATS Triple Play Package. Targeted at baseball fans looking for an all-inclusive experience, the package includes luxurious hotel accommodations, two Braves tickets, pre-game meal at STATS, and transportation to and from Turner Field via STATS Foodplay Shuttle. The STATS Triple Play Package begins at $159 per night. Additional passes with only one Braves ticket and without the hotel room can be purchased for $50.

“Taking in a ballgame is the quintessential summertime experience. This is the perfect package for baseball getaway without having to plan every detail that can make the trip more trouble that its worth,” said Hyatt General Manager Joe Hindsley.

The STATS Triple Play Package allows guests to purchase an entire baseball getaway weekend in one place. The package begins at STATS where guests will dine from a prix-fixe menu full of STATS favorites before the game. From there, the STATS FoodPlay Shuttle, stocked with beer and non-alcoholic beverages, heads to Turner Field and drops fans of 30 minutes before first pitch. Fans will enjoy the game from seats located on the private-access Golden Moon Casino Level, formerly known as the Lexus Level. If a fan chooses to leave early, the first shuttle departs from Turner Field to STATS after the 5th inning. A second shuttle will leave 15 minutes after the game. Once back at STATS, fans can choose to relax and enjoy Atlanta’s hottest sports-themed restaurant or or head back to Hyatt Regency Atlanta where a signature Hyatt Grand Bed™ awaits them.

Boasting serious food and serious sports, STATS is a partnership between Legacy Properties, Sports Radio 790 The Zone and Concentrics Restaurants. STATS, the biggest and busiest sports bar in Atlanta, introduced the city to a premium food-focused, sports-centered, draught-direct eatery with a high-energy vibe. The unique take on tried-and-true favorites are sure bets to please every palate by fusing seasonal ingredients with unique flavors to produce creative offerings that have guests rethinking typical bar food. STATS, the go-to hang out and event space for sports lovers and top sports franchises, is also thrilled to be the second location worldwide, and the first in the United States, to incorporate new technology by Table Tap, LLC that allows guests to be their own bartenders. Located at 300 Marietta Street in Atlanta, Ga., STATS serves lunch and dinner seven days a week. For reservations and more information, call 404-885-1472 or visit

To book or for more information about the STATS Triple Play Package, visit or call (404) 577-1234.


About Hyatt Regency Atlanta
An Atlanta landmark since its inception in 1967, Hyatt Regency Atlanta is located in the heart of downtown Atlanta on Peachtree Street. The 1,260-room hotel is the first contemporary atrium hotel in the world and is one of the nation's premier convention and tradeshow facilities with 180,000 square feet of ballroom, exhibit, and meeting and hospitality space. For reservations or more information on Hyatt Regency Atlanta, call the hotel at 404-577-1234 or visit

If I didn't live so close to Turner Field and/or had $159 to burn, I'd jump all over this deal. What fun!

2008 Home Run Derby Love

For years, I've thought the Home Run Derby on the eve of the All-Star Game was more fun than the Game itself. (The All-Star Game was definitely more fun before interleague play, and before I had cable / could watch teams other than the Braves.)

It airs tonight at 8pm ET on ESPN, and here are the guys who will be swinging for the fences! (Click the names for pics)

Lance Berkman
Houston Astros
(#2 hitter in the NL, behind Chipper)

Ryan Braun
Milwaukee Brewers
(Looks goofy sometimes, but this is a smoldering sort of shot)

Josh Hamilton
Texas Rangers
(Hard to find a flattering still shot of this boy, sadly)

Evan Longoria
Tampa Bay Rays
(Likely AL Rookie of the Year for this year)

Justin Morneau
Minnesota Twins
(...I know nothing about this guy)

Grady Sizemore
Cleveland Indians
(Absolutely fantastic in center field)

Dan Uggla
Florida Marlins
(Arguably the best 2B in the league, next to...)

Chase Utley
Philadelphia Phillies
(This one's never afraid to get dirty, y'all)

To read more on the Home Run Derby, including the rules and stats on the players selected, visit

Sunday, July 13, 2008

"It definitely wouldn't be Brian McCann, I'll tell you that!"

Frenchy and Teix answer some great questions, reminiscent of the "Straight up" series from last season...

I know I say this all the time, but Teix is...*sigh* Can I have a clone of him, one that's single and likes curly-haired girls with a sense of humor?

Lilli's first home run

(AP Photo/Denis Poroy)

The congrats in the dugout were fun -- Baby looked especially excited. Are he and Lilli friends? I wouldn't have pegged that.

Charlie! <3

Charlie Morton is rocketing into my top 10 Braves. Check out his pre- and post-game interviews from last night's game...

Think we can just convince him to shave that scruff? Also, he's super-tall. That's the camera angle I'd have if I was interviewing him. :)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Baby on the way for Jo-Jo!

He's so glowy already -- I love it. :D

Mark Teixeira: Fox Spotlight

Check out this super-cute interview with Teix on I'm pretty sure anytime I see Teix I think "super-cute", but I can't help it!

And just in case you've got Teix in Fan Time-Out because of his agent/trade situation, maybe this quote will change your mind and encourage you to want to watch anyway?

I tried to grow [a mustache] when I was about 14, and it didn't work out, and I've never tried since.
I, for one, would like to see him try again. (Mustaches crack me up, for some reason.) (Also, that quote is irrelevant to what goes on "between the lines"...but then, so is most of this blog.)

TWiB: On their way up again

Please enjoy this video from TWiB (two weeks ago), on our boys.

This Week In Baseball: The Braves go back and talk about how they went from victories to defeat and now they are on their way up again
Well, let's hope so. And from the video...
Smoltz: This is the future of the Atlanta Braves. You're passing on the torch to great representatives.
Everyone loves Teix and McFrenchy. :D

R-Braves at-bat songs

I stumbled on this interesting article on yesterday -- it has some good information on the players' intro songs, including some things I didn't know.

"Sometimes there's a lot of thought behind the songs," first baseman Scott Thorman said. "Sometimes guys will just pick a song they like. Usually they try to pick something representative of themselves."

While some of the players switch their songs regularly, for others one becomes a part of their identity.
You may recognize the names of some of the players mentioned in the article: Scott Thorman, Andy Marté, Clint Sammons, Brent Lillibridge, BJones, and Josh Anderson.
Josh Anderson uses "Strong Tower" by Kutless, a Christian rock group.

"I figure I might as well pick a song that's inspirational and sounds good," he said.
I just typed and deleted a whole soapbox rant on "Christian rock", but it's best to leave that alone. ;) To each his/her own.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Three current and former Braves to represent Canada in the 2008 Olympics

Congratulations to Scott Thorman (AAA Richmond Braves, 1B), Pete Orr!™ (Washington Nationals, utility IF), and Chris Reitsma (former Atlanta Braves RP)! They've been selected to represent Canada in the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing. Woo, Thor and Pete Orr!™ :) As for Reitsma...I didn't know he was still around. Hmm. Well, good luck to him too.

Confident little boy, isn't he!

I was randomly clicking on a few days ago and ran up on this video interview from spring training with Brent Lillibridge. It's conducted by Braves Love pal Jonathan Mayo, an writer who spends most of his time covering the minor leagues. In Lilli's words:

I'm there, they know I can play everywhere, and I think that's going to help me get up there quicker.
Well, he's still not here permanently, but his confidence will help him get further. He's been the talk of the minors for a few years now, so I'll be interested to keep an eye on him to see if he makes the break in the upcoming seasons.

Happy Birthday, Opie!

And best wishes for many, many more. :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Making Time Stand Still

Reader Jessica brought an article to my attention this afternoon. I'll be honest, it took a little while to read because I kept tearing up and had to go back to work tasks before someone wondered why I was crying at my desk. :) The truth is, while I hope I'm never in this situation, I do see myself this way in 50 or 60 years...being just as excited about the Braves as I am now and have been my entire life. And I hope my future children and grandchildren will want to take me to games when I can no longer take myself.

Here I go with the waterworks again. Read the article here: Making Time Stand Still

More great videos from 7/6/08!

As am/pm would say, "too much good stuff". :D Check these out...

Huddy smells something (we don't know what!)...

Baby in his towel, looking like a bearded 3-year-old who just got out of the tub and had a loooong day...

Teix in plaid shorts, at his charity golf tournament...

We don't see much of Jo-Jo in interviews and the like, but I have a feeling he's a fun guy. And Teix filling in his divots! Did we expect any different?

Chipper's Outtakes

From the current ESPN The Magazine, a little interview with Larry...
(click to enlarge)

I love that Kelly Clarkson didn't know who he was! :D

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Eye

I honestly don't know what I'd do if Mark Teixeira looked at me like this. It makes your tummy do flips, doesn't it?

Baby walking away with an oddly satisfied smile on his face is almost as good as The Eye. :D

(Smashed together from three clips on SS last night -- Camera guys, I love you.)

June Rookie of the Month: Jair Jurrjens!!!

I got an email this morning from a PR firm with the following info -- very cool!

The “MLB Rookie of the Month Award presented by Gillette” is back, and I thought you’d be interested in hearing that Jair Jurrjens is one of four players nominated as the best rookie in the National League during the month of June.

This officially-sanctioned Major League Baseball award is now in the hands of the fans. Online ballots can be cast at, so feel free to vote!

If you do vote online, you are automatically entered for a chance to win a trip to one of the 2008 World Series games.

Other National League nominees include pitcher Mitchell Boggs of the St. Louis Cardinals, outfielder John Bowker of the San Francisco Giants and pitcher Edgar Gonzalez of the San Diego Padres.

Way to go, Jair! Let's vote him in every month -- he's too awesome, he should have been an all-star, and if I had a vote, he'd be Rookie of the Year at this point. <3

Video of awesomeness

It's like watching dogs with a water hose...

Link to video

Thanks for the video, Spunky! I was going to record this from the tape when I got home, but you sure saved me some time! *hug*

L.A. Lovefest

"You! Get over here and HUG ME!"

(Photo by Jeff Gross/Getty Images)

(Photo by Jeff Gross/Getty Images)

To quote my friend Chicago Jen, it's "AXE body spray at work!"

The lighting in this very symbolic, no?

(AP Photo/Danny Moloshok)

Finally, they should make Braves Chia Pets; I'll bet they'd sell like crazy. They do have a good model...

(AP Photo/Danny Moloshok)