Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Adios, November

Tomorrow is December. DECEMBER. I can't believe 2011 is almost over.

This is a post full of stuff on the internet. I have a tiny cold today, so I'm not going to go into detail with any of these. Read, don't read, whatever.

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Gotta love that someone made a gif of this. Source

  • AJC: McCann contract situation looms for Braves. I remember when I first heard of Mac's current contract - I was in Florida with my family, at an outlet mall, when my friend Suzanne called me. "Baby is signed through 2013!" she shouted in the phone. "REALLY?!" That seemed so far away then. :) Now it's just around the corner. I do hope he becomes a lifer.

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

CABravesFan said...

We'd better resign my Mac. I will not be happy if he goes somewhere else...

Also, Maddux wants to work with his brother- can't blame him there :)