If I've been to a preseason Braves game before, I don't remember it, so this was especially fun. Also fun? The new nut vendor. There's a Bavarian Nut stand over near the visitor's bullpen, and their new salesman was, well, selling his goods:
Can you hear him? "Get these nuts!" We were dying laughing at him -- I swear, I've never laughed so much at a game in my life. Among his quotes of the evening: "Delicious nuts - you'll never forget 'em!" "Got my nuts in the air!" "Check these nuts out!" It was seriously hilarious -- everyone around was cracking up and no one seemed to be offended. I hope he sticks around. :D
Now, let's get to some BP pictures!
Tommy Hanson talking to Kris Medlen, who looked absolutely tiny compared to TH.
Eric O'Flaherty (love), Frenchy, Moylan, and Blaine!
JJ's smile makes me so happy.
MattE in the cage
Mmmm, O'Flaherty...
Frenchy messes with Pete
Hats off!
Schafer hung out by himself most of the time.
Clint joins the boys
Smiley Pete
And speaking of smiles, Jeff Bennett's grin always makes me smile too.
Some of you prefer this angle, ha ha!
Bye, boys!
After Spring Training, we went to sign up to be defensive drivers (DD = free soda, dontcha know?) and to check out the player parking lot. Schafer's Hummer wasn't visible in the lot, and my friend B was surprised so many of the guys drive such huge trucks. He made a compensation joke, but I think it's just a jock thing.
Then we headed to get some dinner, and I was horrified at this:

They renamed Skip & Pete's BBQ! BOO!
Culinary side note: Don't eat the Georgia Dog unless you like mayonnaise and sweet relish. The Georgia Dog hot dog is topped with cole slaw and vidalia onion relish. It was so sweet and mayonnaisey and disgusting -- I'd never ever get it again.
Let's head up to the ticketed seats!

"Whoo, I tell you it's hot with all this stuff on I uh, I better not do any, I don't know, lunges..."
Frenchy talks to a local sports reporter.
Yunie got hit in the chin! Have you seen his highlights, by the way? I do not approve.
Omar hit a home run! I didn't get a shot of his celebratory fireworks, but I really like this shot of the leftover smoke in the lights.
Thanks to a very sweet friend in the stadium, we were able to move down to lower seats later in the game. On the way down, I snagged this pic of a traveling carnival across the interstate from the stadium. No one wanted to go with me after the game! Boo, I wanted to get felt up by a carnie. (...No, not really.)
Pics from the new seats! KJ on third ~ Josh in his new dugout :( ~ Baby at the plate ~ KJ's fluffy hair!
I baaarely missed a pic of Baby smacking JB on the bum!
Gameboard: I think someone did this on purpose. ;)
Clint! ~ Josh!! ~ Clint AND Josh!
Braves win! See you next weekend, boys!

ETA: Forgot to mention Frenchy's new at-bat song, "Dead and Gone". I hope you find that as hilarious as I do!
ETAA: Entire photo album. :)
KJ's calves are nice:)
I love the pics of the guys lined up with their backs to the cameras- there is just something about them that looks really cool
I agree, CA, but I think all of KJ is nice. ;)
Great pics as usual!
Leah, so do I...so much so that I have never actually gotten all the way down to KJ's calves:)
Ha ha. I'm with you there. :)
It's not a pretty boy type of sexy either, like Frenchy, it's just..kind of mysteriousness/edge that he gives off. Lauren is one lucky girl, that's for sure. But then again so are a lot of the Braves wives.
The Carnival!
We thought about going sunday.
but we had to go to my grandmas for dinner.
ohh cousins in from Chicago, why did you choose last weeekend :)!
(not really! I've missed my cousins very much :D)
AND of course my,
PETE :). I was so disapointed he didnt pitch last night. >.<
Ahh well, THeres always Friday :D
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