I went to [Saturday's] game and if you want to share some of my pictures, feel free. I got some really good ones of the guys loading the buses before heading to the airport. Of course, they couldn't sign autographs because of the airport security searching them again, though Chipper and Gonzo did until being told to stop (Mac was going to but was stopped before he did) but there's more on this is in my review. I'm still writing it currently, but feel free to post some pictures of your choosing. :)
Our seats were not the best, we sat in section 125, row 2 that was parallel to Frenchy most of the game (and even Josh!), but surprisingly the pictures came out better than I thought they had. It was a good game overall, but it did get boring toward the end because we were losing and all the regulars were taken out.
Leah's site is Braves Girl Blog -- she has some good info there, so check it out!
My favorite pics are the following, of Pete's wave and Frenchy & Yunie's "summer" suits.

Yunie's shoes amuse me tremendously. Thanks for sharing, Leah!
Sorry there wasn't better pics, most of the guys would walk by as I was taking the pictures and my dumb camera would focus so I would miss them. Ugh. Not sure why it had to focus for so long because they were not that far and it was still bright out. Who knows? Hopefully I'll get better (and closer) ones of them Friday night when they leave and during the game. My sister will probably have her camera, so I might steal a few of hers, lol.
We were amused by Yunel's shoes as well! Can you say PIMP?
I love that picture of Pete. It made my day, I've been impaitent on seeing what he would look like in a suit :).
Thanks Leah!
MajorLeagueBlogging.com has 1(one) exclusive blog CEO author spot available for the Braves. As the exclusive Braves Author (CEO), you will have the opportunity to show the world just how much you love this team. Remember, we allow only 1(one) CEO PER TEAM and thats it. Once the spot is locked it is locked forever (or as long as the author chooses).
We currently have 20+ very passionate authors writing on our blog and it is now time for someone to represent the Braves. If you feel you are up for the challenge, and you would like to OWN a blog CEO spot the time is right now. We process our applicants on a first come first served basis.
Simply send us a little bit about why you love this team, and why you feel you would be the best Braves CEO. Send an email to MajorLeagueBlogging@gmail.com. Please use the Subject line: "Lock In My Braves Author Spot This Second!" and in the body of the email please include the information requested above (Why you love this team, and the reason you would like the exclusive team CEO position).
Remember, act now and lock in your spot today. Once its closed, its closed forever. Feel free to visit the website as well to have a look around to see if you would like to own the spot! http://www.MajorLeagueBlogging.com.
See you on the blog!
Pete looks great in that suit:)
Kinda love Yunie's shoes...they seem so like him:D
Thanks for the pics Leah!!
Love seeing the guys out of uniform..even in their required suits you get to see more of their individual personalities because of their choices.
And the best part of that pic of Yunel... you can't see those things in his hair. Was there a bet that he lost or something??
Great pics! Thanks!
If any of you would like to take advantage of Jeff's offer above, have at it -- I'm not really interested. I have a special brand of blogging over here and don't really care to conform to what the rest of the sports blog world does. ;)
You're welcome, guys! :)
I thought Pete's picture was the best as well. He's really the only one that "posed" for a picture. Most just kept walking, some waved, and some did attempt to sign autographs before being escorted to the buses. The guys did not look happy about that either, by the way. Fans weren't too happy about it either. Of course we're on the wrong side (no one had sympathy for us on side I was on), lol.
Thanks, Leah!
Those are very funky shoes.
Going through those pics again- is it just me or is Mac not even wearing a collared shirt? That would be so like him;)
Thanks for sharing, Leah. I bookmarked your blog, I like it!
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