Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Shirt

OK, please watch this great video of BMac talking about giving back to the community at the all-star press conference thingie yesterday, then look at this shirt from the 2007 ASG, and tell me they are different shirts. Please. :D


Leah said...

They look really similar, but different, to me at least.

flbravesgirl said...

This year's shirt has thinner stripes. The MVP can wear any shirt he likes.

S.a.m. said...

who cares if it's the same shirt, B-Mac is the ASG MVP!!!!!!!!

(also, I think they're different; the stripes on the '07 one look lighter) :)

Lauren T. said...

Sam, we care about those things here. This is a Braves blog written from the female fan's perspective - you won't find hard statistical analysis here, ever. :D Also, I see you're in SLC - I lived in Sugarhouse for a year. I miss the Soup Kitchen! Mmmmm...

CABravesFan said...

I was a little distracted by his eyes...he was wearing a shirt? ;)

flbravesgirl said...

It is a little hard to focus on anything else in a close-up, isn't it? And when he turns to the side at the beginning you can see what pretty eyelashes he has, I'm jealous.

amanda said...

I'm with you, Lauren. I think its the same shirt.

Lauren T. said...

I think it's the same shirt, and the lighting is playing tricks. Maybe there's some slightly reflective fabric on the stripes? He's been photographed in this shirt on at least 3 occasions, and I just have a hard time believing a man has two or three nearly identical brown shirts. (A woman, yes. A man like McCann... no.)