Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Will Ohman is awesome.

On the field this season, Ohman has thrown out some pretty sweet stats... 38 games, 2.12 ERA, 1.18 WHIP (1.0 is the gold standard among pitchers), and a 3-0 record. He's one of Bobby's go-to guys this season, and for good reason! But I like him because he's freakin' hilarious. I follow the Cubs a little, so I knew of him before he was a Brave and had heard some great stories, but I don't know if anyone was ready for this...

Big clip-on mustaches are never not funny. :D


Amy V said...

Will Ohman is my new favorite. Thanks for posting this!

Jennifer said...

He is totally the kind of guy that would strike up a conversation with a fan, too. He's very friendly like that.