"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Therefore, I can't say much about yesterday's game from the 7th inning on, but I would like to comment on the following pictures (not in chronological order):

Awww, YAY! I love them! During a commercial break yesterday, I actually got a little misty-eyed when they showed Frenchy's first home run and Baby was there at the plate to greet him with a hug, a double high-five, and chest bump. I miss the days when they were boyfriends. ...I mean, uh... ;)

What a sweet swing. :)

And what a surprised face! I don't think anyone -- including Jordan himself -- expected him to homer twice in his first series.

MattE approves. MattE took advantage of Schafer's batting cage warehouse this off-season, and hopefully MattE's good influence rubbed off on Schafer a little.

What an odd-looking bullpen!

Poor Blaine. He seems like such a nice and funny guy, but nice and funny doesn't win ballgames. The bullpen just couldn't hold it together. :(
I think the off-day will be good for everyone.
I love Mac & Frenchy!!
I Love MattE!!
I Love Jordan Schafer:)!!
and that concludes everything that I can write without violating your policy on "excessive cussin"
Heh heh. I felt very edited in writing this post, but you never know who's reading...
I suppose we should be impressed. That was a spectacular melt-down, the likes of which we may never experience again (and if we do...god help us all:D). It was a work of art- do you have any idea how many things have to fall into place for every single one of our pitchers to throw that poorly? Did someone inform the strike zone that it was Spring Break and it was hinging out in Philly? Did it suddenly realize that it could be in Florida or California or anywhere that wasn't Philadelphia? Did someone call up the voodoo high priestess and hex the bullpen? Did the guys just conspire to get Braad Lidge his first save of the year? I mean WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT????
(wow that went a little south from where I intended but I feel better:D)
I felt so bad for all of them.
Especially My Moylan :D
I was so happy to see him again, though.
So i forgive :)
It was so painful to watch. Ouch!
I don't know what happened, but hopefully things don't get any worse than they did yesterday.
If they get worse we have a very serious problem...and maybe the end of the world...
CA --
Oh yes. We'll have to do something pronto.
We can start with remedial "Strike Zone Awarness 101" for our 'pen...or perhaps "Throw Strikes with a Seven Run Lead"
McFrenchy is back!! It's been so long =]
I look at it this way:
The Phillies did not win
The Braves just lost big time
I feel much better about the debacle now, after laughing at CA's 1:00 post. :-)
That was so not where I originally intended that post to go but I can all but guarantee it will not be my last rant of the season:)
Glad I could make you laugh though!
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