Thursday, September 29, 2011

End of 2011 Cleanup

Insane mess of Bravesy stuff
So I guess I get to clean all this up tomorrow - put things in their proper places, etc. - and I have two final games of pics to share. Thank you for reading, following on Twitter, joining the Facebook. I love you!!


Kimberly said...

Does this mean you are leaving us for 6 months too??

It sure is depressing though. And Kimbrel looked so darn upset. We'll come back strong next year!

Lauren T. said...

Blogging slows in the offseason, but if you look back in the archive, you'll see - I'll still be around! :)

Kimberly said...

Phew, crisis averted =) I assumed there wouldn't be as many updates but I tend to overreact sometimes...